Gender Equality

With gender balance at the forefront of development discussions in Irish theatre, Blacklight is proud to demonstrate above-average* female representation across our creative teams. We look forward to further developing our commitment to gender balance, and protecting a creative space that pro-actively positions women in leading functions. Our Gender Equality Policy is accessible here

*Between 9 and 40% crew representation, and 42% cast representation according to the Arts Council, Ireland's 2017 publication 'Gender Counts: An Analysis of Gender in Irish Theatre 2006-2015'.

Child Protection

Blacklight's ongoing work with young people is at the heart of what we do. We are committed to protecting the young people in our casts and crew, and in our audiences through stringent safeguarding policies. Our Child Protection & Welfare Policy is accessible here

Vulnerable Adults

As Blacklight expands its remit, we look forward to collaborations with some of Ireland's leading charities and the clients they represent. We ensure a safe and respectful working environment for those individuals, and guarantee transparency in all of the work we create as a result of our collaborations. Our Safeguarding Policy is available here.